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Transforming your living space into a haven of elegance and practicality is easily achievable with the timeless appeal of natural stone and the versatility of ceramic tile. When you cover your floors with either material, they offer distinctive benefits that enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your living space.


  • Timeless Beauty:
    Each natural stone tile is a unique work of art that exhibits the earth’s exquisite craft with its intricate patterns, textures and colors. From the rustic charm of a Belgian bluestone to the luxurious elegance of an Italian porphyry, natural stone exudes a sense of opulence and sophistication that enhances any room or outdoor environment.
  • Sustainability:
    Crafted by the hand of nature over millennia, natural stone tiles offer exceptional durability, standing the test of time. Outdoors, the tiles will develop a beautiful patina. Stains here will go away on their own with time. This makes them an ideal choice for both indoor and outdoor applications.
  • Versatility:
    Whether used as flooring or as a beautiful kitchen backsplash, natural stone tiles offer unparalleled versatility and effortlessly complement any architectural style or design. Their adaptability extends beyond interiors, seamlessly integrating into outdoor landscapes, terraces and pool environments, creating coherent and visually striking environments.
  • Temperature control:
    Natural stone tiles possess inherent thermal properties, allowing them to regulate indoor temperatures by retaining heat in colder months and providing cooling relief during warmer
    seasons. This natural inertia not only improves comfort but also contributes to energy efficiency, reducing heating and cooling costs over time.


  • Affordable Luxury:
    Available in an infinite number of colors, patterns and finishes, ceramic tiles mimic the aesthetic appeal of natural stone at a fraction of the cost, allowing you to enjoy luxury without compromising your budget.
  • Low Maintenance Cost
    Designed for convenience, ceramic tiles are inherently low-maintenance and require minimal maintenance to maintain their impeccable appearance. Resistant to moisture, stains and fading, they are easy to clean and maintain.
  • Design flexibility:
    From sleek subway tiles to bold geometric patterns, ceramic tiles offer endless design possibilities, allowing you to unleash your creativity and personalize your living spaces according to your unique tastes and preferences.
  • Water resistance:
    With superior water-resistant properties, ceramic tiles are an ideal flooring solution for wet areas such as bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms. Their impermeable surface prevents water penetration, protects against mold, mildew and water damage, and ensures long-term beauty and structural integrity.

Finally, whether you choose the timeless appeal of natural stone or the practical versatility of ceramic, both tile options offer a range of benefits that enhance the aesthetic appeal, durability and functionality of your living spaces. Nijst Natuursteen offers both natural stone and ceramic stone tiles. With
regarding ceramic stone, we are focusing more on outdoor applications. That is, ceramic tile is on average 20mm thick.